California Department of Food and Agriculture – Grapevine Regulations Working Group

Posted Apr 16th, 2018 in Ressources

California Department of Food and Agriculture – Grapevine Regulations Working Group

The California Department of Food and Agriculture has put together a working group to comment on regulations for diseases such as grapevine fanleaf virus, Tomato ringspot virus, grapevine leaf roll associated virus and grapevine red blotch associated virus. Their meeting notes and presentations can be accessed online as a resource to us in Canada.

To see presentations click here.

Devenir certifié

Nous aidons à garantir que les pépinières, les producteurs et les établissements vinicoles ont accès à du matériel de vigne de qualité et exempts de virus. Pour en savoir plus sur le RCCV ou sur nos programmes de certification, contactez notre équipe dès aujourd'hui.
