BC Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early April

Posted Apr 12th, 2019 in Recherche, Résistance au froid et changement climatique

BC Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early April

Research Update from Summerland Research & Development Center Wine Grape Research. Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. April 2019

Grape Hardiness Update for Early April

Below is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early April.  The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on April 9th and 10th in the Okanagan Valley.

This is the final grape hardiness update for the 2018-2019 winter season.  It’s time to switch gears toward the growing season so the monthly Growing Degree Day reports will start again in May

Click to read the full report: Grape Hardiness Update for Early April

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