Guide to the key arthropods of vineyards of Eastern Canada

Posted May 14th, 2019 in Ressources, Gestion des virus

Guide to the key arthropods of vineyards of Eastern Canada

Protecting Our Wine from Pests

Free pdf - downloadable from: id=9.868732&sl=0  

The Canadian wine industry contributes $9 billion each year to the Canadian economy through its impact on agriculture and tourism. During the past 25 years, this sector has grown significantly with no small help from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).

AAFC science teams have studied ways to protect grapes from insect damage – examining both the pests and beneficial species found in vineyards in various growing regions of Eastern Canada. Now, with support from AAFC’s Pest Management Centre, the results of this research have been collected to create the Guide to the Key Arthropods of Vineyards of Eastern Canada. 

This illustrated grape production reference guide contains descriptions of insect and mite pests, their life cycle, and the damage they cause. It is written according to the principles of integrated pest management so it also contains information on beneficial species and ways to conserve them and enhance their performance.

This comprehensive 114-page guide, available as a free download in English and French, was created in a field-sized format to help growers identify the pests in their vineyards and make informed decisions about how to best protect their grapes. Better understanding the numerous beneficial insects present in the vineyard will enable them to produce grapes sustainably and reduce their reliance on chemical interventions.

St. Jean-sur-Richelieu Research and Development Centre: Dr. Charles Vincent

Kentville Research and Development Centre: Dr. Debra Moreau

Ottawa Research and Development Centre: Dr. Patrice Bouchard 

Pest Management Centre: Dr. Cezarina Kora

Co-authors: Jacques Lasnier, Ag-Cord Inc., Dr. Wendy McFadden-Smith, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

For more information:
Lasnier, J., McFadden-Smith, W., Moreau, D., Bouchard, P., Vincent, C. (2019) Guide to the key arthropods of vineyards of Eastern Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Technical Bulletin number: A59-72/2019E AAC: 12895E,. 114 p. (16.5Mb, 231 color images). Free pdf - downloadable from: id=9.868732&sl=0
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