Ontario Grape and Wine Research Inc. Marketing Vineyard Improvement Program, Request for Proposals

Posted Dec 10th, 2019 in Ressources

Ontario Grape and Wine Research Inc. Marketing Vineyard Improvement Program, Request for Proposals

Ontario Grape and Wine Research Inc.

Marketing Vineyard Improvement Program, Request for Proposals

Ontario Grape and Wine Research Incorporated invite research proposals for the Research and Innovation Development Initiative (R&ID) component for the Marketing Vineyard Improvement Program (MVIP). The objective of this program is to provide funds to improve the quality, productivity and adaptability of grape and wine production by promoting industry-wide access to innovative tools, technologies, resources, knowledge and information for grape and wine making. All activities must start on or after April 1, 2020 and be completed no later than February 28th, 2021. All information and results must be made readily available and accessible to all members of the industry and public. Projects may not receive any additional provincial government funding. Please note, overhead costs are an ineligible expense under this program.

Completed applications can be sent to ehawthorn@ontariograpeandwineresearch.com. The deadline for submission is 4:30pm on January 24, 2020. Late proposals will not be accepted. Requests will be reviewed and all applicants will be notified in February. 

RFP Background Letter

Proposal Application

RFP Background Letter

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