Webinar: Grapevine Rootstocks - CANT FIND FRENCH

Posted Jul 21st, 2021 in Webinaires

Grapevine Rootstocks

For the last installment of this four part webinar series, we welcomed Dr. Jim Willwerth of Brock University's Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI), Dr. Andy Walker of the University of California Davis, Plant Breeding Centre, Mike Watson of Arterra Wines Canada, and CGCN-RCCV's own Vice-Chair, Bill Schenck, a local Ontario grape grower. Dr. Willwerth and Dr. Walker both presented research updates and perspectives on rootstocks from their respective countries, then the webinar transitioned to a panel discussion moderated by CGCN-RCCV's BC Director, Ross Wise.

Join us again in early 2022 when we will be hosting a "one year later" update on grapevine trunk diseases. This future webinar will focus on pruning and disease management in mature vineyards.

In the meantime, follow our social media accounts to stay up to date with future webinar dates and details: Facebook: @CGCNRCCV Twitter: @CGCN_RCCV

To download each presentation separately, click the text buttons below.

To view Dr. Willwerth's presentation, click here

To view Dr. Walker's presentation, click here

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