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Série de webinaires à venir sur la maladie des taches rouges dans la vigne

Série de webinaires à venir sur la maladie des taches rouges dans la vigne

Posted Oct 19th, 2020 in Nouvelles, Ressources

Série de webinaires à venir sur la maladie des taches rouges dans la vigne

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Annonce du départ à la retraite du Dr André Lévesque

Posted Oct 19th, 2020 in Nouvelles

Annonce du départ à la retraite du Dr André Lévesque

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Canada’s Napa Valley Seeks Elusive Audience: Canadian Wine Drinkers

Canada’s Napa Valley Seeks Elusive Audience: Canadian Wine Drinkers

Posted Sep 21st, 2020 in Nouvelles

OSOYOOS, British Columbia — The first surprise for Séverine Pinte, a French winemaker working in Canada, was how casual everyone was — more ripped jeans and flip-flops than Chanel. Then there was the unexpected need to warn grape pickers not to smoke marijuana near her beloved vines. And finally there was a furry menace: Canadian black bears with a taste for chardonnay that gobbled up rows of grape clusters, forcing winemakers to employ hunters, electrified fences or pepper bombs. When Ms...

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CGCN-RCCV partners with Plocher-Vines LLC

CGCN-RCCV partners with Plocher-Vines LLC

Posted Aug 26th, 2020 in Nouvelles

CGCN-RCCV partners with Plocher-Vines LLC

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Province to Phase Out Wine Regions Policy

Province to Phase Out Wine Regions Policy

Posted Jul 28th, 2020 in Nouvelles

Province to Phase Out Wine Regions Policy News Release by the Government of Nova Scotia

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WTO Challenge Update

WTO Challenge Update

Posted Jul 28th, 2020 in Nouvelles

WTO Challenge Update by the Wine Growers Canada

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Posted Jun 9th, 2020 in Nouvelles, Ressources


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British Columbia is auditioning pinot noir as its signature grape

British Columbia is auditioning pinot noir as its signature grape

Posted May 29th, 2020 in Nouvelles

British Columbia is auditioning pinot noir as its signature grape. Original article from The Globe and Mail.

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Fast transmission of grapevine 'Pinot gris' virus (GPGV) in vineyard

Fast transmission of grapevine 'Pinot gris' virus (GPGV) in vineyard

Posted May 28th, 2020 in Nouvelles, Ressources

Fast transmission of grapevine 'Pinot gris' virus (GPGV) in vineyard

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CCOVI GGO Webinar - Virus Testing

CCOVI GGO Webinar - Virus Testing

Posted Sep 11th, 2019 in Nouvelles, Ressources

The Grape Growers of Ontario, in partnership with Brock University's Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) are pleased to announce the launch of a brand-new viticulture webinar series. The series will look at current topics with experts in the field from bud survival to irrigation timing.

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