BC Growing Degree Days - July Update
Growing Degree Days results for April-July for Summerland and Osoyoos.
Growing Degree Days results for April-July for Summerland and Osoyoos.
Wendy McFadden-Smith explores Leafroll virus in Niagara, Ontario.
A study that aims to examine the effect of cover crop and charged biochar on wine grape yield.
Pat Bowen and Carl Bodganoff of Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada explore grapevine cold damage occurring at above vine-lethal temperatures.
Vermicompost and vermicompost tea for soil and plant health management
Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early April. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on April 9th and 10th in the Okanagan Valley.
Tom Lowery and Jose Úrbez-Torres of Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada explore Grapevine Leafroll virus in a multi-year study.
Carl Bodganoff of Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada explores grapevine bud hardiness.
Pat Bowen of Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada explore using GIS tools for vineyard management.
Learn more about the research being done under the Canadian Agricultural partnership Grape & Wine Science Cluster.
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