Nova Scotia Wine Grape Hardiness for Late October 2018
Attached is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness report for late october 2018 - NS
Attached is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness report for late october 2018 - NS
Attached is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for mid february 2020.
$3 million grant given to institutions in California and Oregon to address unknowns of disease and mitigate its effects on grape production, wine quality. Less than an hour from UC Davis, lie the towns of Napa and Sonoma, both hubs of the $163 billion US grape industry. California-grown grapes makes up 90% of the country’s wine production, yet they are at risk as a currently untreatable grapevine disease spreads rapidly across the country but especially in California and Oregon vineyards.
Ancient, heat-hardy wine grapes are being resurrected in Spain to deal with rising temperatures. Worried producers in Bordeaux—where Cabernet and Merlot have long ruled—have approved the use of seven new wine grapes from Portugal, Spain and southern France in their blends. The University of California at Davis recently released five new hybrid grape varieties—its first such release since the 1980s—to resist vine-killing insects expected to proliferate as winters warm.
Attached is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for late January 2020.
Pat Bowen, Carl Bogdanoff and Brad Estergaard of Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada explore grapevine climate characteristics for Vitis vinifera Production Regions in Canada: 1965 - 2019.
Attached is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for mid January 2020.
Attached is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for early January 2020.
Attached is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late December. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on December 19th and 20th in the Okanagan Valley.
Attached is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early December. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on December 4th and 5th in the Okanagan Valley.
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